TThe Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J), the longest active nature conservation organization in Japan
TThe Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J), the longest active nature conservation organization in Japan
An environmental conservation organization active in more than 100 countries
With the message of "Power of Nature, Opening Tomorrow," we aim to realize a society in which people can live together with nature and smile. The organization is Japan's oldest NGO.
It is involved in a variety of nature conservation activities in Japan, including conservation and sustainable use of the natural environment, maintenance of ecosystems, and promotion of environmental education.
<日本自然保護協会 NACS-J>
By protecting the natural environment, we can protect the living creatures that live in the area.
The Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J) has long contributed to the protection of the natural environment and preservation of ecosystems in Japan since the postwar period.
We have learned from NACS-J's activities, which are based on science as well as cultural concepts, and have been influenced by them in guiding our business.
By donating 2% of your purchase price to NACS-J, your consumption activity becomes an act of donation.
If the customer declines gift wrapping, we will donate an additional 2,000 yen.
WWF is an environmental conservation organization operating in more than 100 countries and was founded in 1961.
WWF JAPAN aims for a future in which people and nature can live in harmony, and is engaged in activities such as restoring the richness of biodiversity, which is being lost, and preventing global warming.
The restoration of biodiversity is an urgent global issue.
WWF is developing programs around the world to protect biodiversity on the planet, including wildlife and natural environment conservation and measures to combat climate change.
The current deterioration of ecosystems is also a major problem for the movement of organisms across national borders, and the development of an international framework is essential to remedy this situation.
We believe that utilizing clear-cut certifications such as FSC is also an easy action for companies to take.
As a corporate member of WWF Japan, we support WWF's environmental conservation activities.